Saline/Salina. InSite94 At the Stephen Birch Aquarium-Museum, part of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, in the courtyard. A temporary installation. 53" x 17' x 12'. salt, wood, plexi text
A salt filled trough that extended from the courtyard down the hillside towards the water creating a visual connection to the Scripps Pier and the Mexican Islands beyond. Mexico being so close and yet very far away.
Over the course of the exhibition the water evaporated leaving behind salt crystals.
There was a see through step made of salt and once one stood on the box, one's hands could reach inside another box attached to the existing metal fence. Your hands could slide inside the circular holes and access information. This information included fun science factoids, and disconcerting maps of close by places where the military left toxic barrels. Places within view, where you might have just gone swimming. A perfect and unsettling view.
InSite was founded in 1992 as an initiative committed to the production of artworks in the public sphere.