This was a one man show of pieces about how an image can be read incorrectly or interpreted wrong, or how one can be lead with words but with closer inspection they realize its just not so. Many were influenced by a trip to Hawaii.
Top left 'Close Up' speaks of a helicopter ride putting the viewer in the mind set that they were looking down on a landscape. No, its a close up.
Top right 'Foot' shows a foreshortening (of the foot) that our brains interpret and let it go, but the words on on about the terrible accident that caused the foot to come right out of the hip.
Middle left 'Capoo" is more of an installation (not shown well here) but there is a red pillow for a viewer to sit on that puts one in the same position of the person being photographed.The words are more of a mythic story of how Hawaiian women lived in a structure that was lifted and how the narrator was able to come to grips with it in her life when one of the beating sticks sprouted flowers.
Middle Right 'Ghost Viewer'
Bottom left 'Teeth' has a polaroid of some shell fragments. As I lay on the beach, dozing, hands fiddling in the sand, I thought for a moment that the shells were teeth from a fight. I gave evidence in the text when I got back to the studio. There is a small bag of the fragments that can be touched, but you can't quite make it out and hopefully the viewer believes the beach fighting story, so bloody.
Bottom right 'Violence' is a large diameter dowel with a photograph of a woman in the 1950's at a party on the floor laughing. The piece is installed at an angle like the viewer is being hit. Barrel swivels allow the viewer to manipulate the piece and read the text. Everything alludes to brutality, but it's all in fun.